WWE Fast Lane: 6 Things You Need To Know About Reigns Vs. Bryan

1. Roman Reigns Will Probably Win

The likely result of this match will be a Roman Reigns victory. While a lot of fans are going to be upset about it, particularly online fans, it’s pretty obvious that Bryan is just there to be the former champion that puts over the rising star to make people think that Reigns is ready for that top spot.
If WWE really wanted Daniel Bryan to headline WrestleMania 31 then there’s absolutely no way that he would have been in the Royal Rumble for only ten minutes and done nothing interesting in the match. He was basically booked like just another guy in the match. They also made sure to get him out of the ring before Reigns entered. That was not some accident.
Obviously the poor reaction for Reigns at the Royal Rumble could change WWE’s plans, but it’s not like he was booed that loudly at Raw or Smackdown. His reactions at house shows have apparently been favorable, so maybe that Rumble crowd in the harsh city of Philadelphia is an exception rather than the norm.
Bryan is there so that he can put Reigns over in clean fashion because Bryan is one of the best workers in the company. If Reigns beat a guy like Rollins that would be big too, but Rollins is not a former WrestleMania main eventer. Bryan is.
Reigns is the guy WWE wants to build up this year. Bryan’s in the match to make the fans happy because they might think he has a chance to win, but in the end this is all about making Reigns look better going into WrestleMania.
Could WWE go away from the Reigns vs. Lesnar plan? Sure, but it’s not likely.

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