21 Rare Sunny Photos You Need To See

Along with Sable, Sunny typified the change in attitude towards women in the WWF of the 1990's. Beforehand, females hadn't really played a big role in what the company were presenting, with only the likes of Miss. Elizabeth really getting any real featured screen-time.
Even then, Elizabeth was a shrinking violet of a woman, a real lady who was soft-spoken and seemed incredulous at all the wild action her man, 'Macho Man' Randy Savage was getting himself involved in. Sunny and Sable were different, exuding their sex appeal openly and yet still appearing as strong, independent women who could certainly take care of themselves.

As huge a part of the federation as Sunny was however, it wasn't all sunshine and good times in her life. Personal demons, along with drug and alcohol troubles, would plague her, just as they have many performers in the world of pro wrestling. This led to a lengthy period of uncertainty in her life, something which has unfortunately followed her along for the ride in recent years once more.

Nonetheless, Sunny will be remembered by millions as one of the hottest, most lively characters of the mid-to-late-90's, and for good reason. As this collection of rare pictures show, there was a reason the cameras were instantly drawn to Sunny!

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