10 Insights Into Working With Triple H-5

5. Creative

Listen, I’ve said this on many occasions those wrestlers who could match their brain with their brawn were destined to be STARS who made a lot of MONEY. The three guys who stand out as far as having superior insight and intelligence were “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, The Rock, and Triple H.
These guys just knew how to get themselves over, from working with the writers, producers, and then them going out and doing their part—performing. Triple H had the gift of LISTENING. Then, once he digested what you told him, he would insert a few details here, and there, that always made his material BETTER. Rock was the same way—Austin too—but, a “bit” more vocal then the other two.
Hunter had a creative mind, no doubt about it. There’s a reason why he’s in the spot that he’s in today, and it my opinion, he would have had a spot in management whether he married the bosses daughter—or not!

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