10 Wrestlers Who Could Take Over From The Undertaker
6. Sting (Short Term Only)
Way to introduce the biggest free agent on the market then bury him, WWE.
Sting losing to Triple H at WrestleMania 31 was not only insulting, it was pointless. At this point in his career, The Game should be able (and willing) to do the right thing and put people over when necessary. Was the decision to score the pinfall on Sting about protecting the brand, because Sting was an outsider, a holdout from the WCW days?
Who cares?!?
Sting deserved a win in the promotion, and a win at the biggest show of the year, simply because the fans deserved to get it. It’s what they wanted, and the fans drive the business.
All that said – Sting looked pretty good at mania. He may actually have a couple of matches left in him. So, lets say for the next three years (barring a match with The Undertaker himself, which probably shouldn’t even happen at this point), put him in high profile bouts at mania. Not headliners. Not bouts with titles on the line. Legends matches. Guys he can work well with.
And make him win every. Single. One.
Play up the creep factor. Produce some stunning visuals. The character is perfect for it, just like The Undertaker.
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