10 Shocking Controversies In Alberto Del Rio’s WWE Career-4
4. Sin Cara
Del Rio was pretty vocal about not liking the masked star. In one interview he joked that Sin Cara gets injured simply by talking. He added that Cara had great potential, but was way too injury prone.
There may also have been a bit of professional jealousy. Unlike Del Rio, Sin Cara never had to go to FCW. Alberto ended up taking a shot about this in one interview, stating that FCW was ultimately for the best, because people who don’t go to FCW are “where they are”. That was a reference to Sin Cara being marooned in nothing at the same time as Del Rio was main eventing title matches.
The biggest Del Rio / Cara bust up came in a 2013 match where Sin Cara couldn’t continue due to a broken finger. Del Rio felt like the injury was minor, he believed Cara should have finished the match. It drove Del Rio crazy and he screamed at the masked star right in front of the live audience. The referee legitimately had to hold Del Rio back from continuing to work on the prone star.
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