10 Wrestling Returns That Would Improve WWE TV
7. Kurt Angle
Though it’s likely not to happen for a plethora of reasons, the time is now for Rusev to have Kurt Angle as his manager in WWE. Summer Rae is many things, but a heat-getter in a serious angle isn’t one of them. Rusev is a potential huge money player for WWE, and while Summer Rae could be there as a cherry on top of the pie, she’s not the crust that puts the whole thing together.
Kurt Angle and Rusev is a match made in heaven. Angle’s a legit Olympic gold medalist and one of the best wrestlers ever. Rusev getting the leg-lace ankle lock and the Olympic slam as finishers along with the Accolade would be perfect additions to his character. Also, Angle cutting promos about how America (and most of the world) turned their back on him and now he’s out to ruin everyone’s heroes would be amazing.
Summer Rae as the “Head Cheerleader” in a role similar to Francine? Excellent. But Rusev is definitely in need of a legendary something more.
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