10 Divorces That Rocked Wrestling

8. The Undertaker/Sara Calaway (2007)

On June 18, 2001, Diamond Dallas Page appeared on WWE television fresh from WCW as the man revealed as the stalker of Sara, the then on-camera and real-life wife of The Undertaker. Sara being an active television character made sense. During the Undertaker’s “American Bad Ass” run, he re-appeared on television with “SARA” tattooed” on this throat. Thus, when “Sara” appeared – and was The Undertaker’s wife – it all made sense. Sara wrestled and defeated DDP, and was also involved in “Diva” photoshoots and generally treated like an active member of the WWE roster for a year. However, by 2007, the pair divorced, and soon thereafter the bold tattoo was gone from Taker’s throat.
Did this divorce “rock” wrestling in the same way as learning about the wild life details of Ric Flair or highlight the toll of Randy Orton’s extra-marital life? No. But, a man who went as far as to get a woman’s name TATTOOED ON HIS THROAT has to get that tattoo removed. That’s a crazy era that can’t go without mention here. As well, had Taker and Sara never been married, who knows what would’ve possibly become of DDP in WWE? Page’s post-WCW career is an intriguing mix of amazing and terrible, the worst being linked to well, that time the woman whose name the Undertaker tattooed on his throat pinned him clean in the middle. Amazing.

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