10 Most Notorious Randy Orton Urban Legends-2
2. He Will Never Get Fired Even After Repeated Drug Failures
Story: Orton has been suspended by WWE two times for WWE Wellness Policy violations. The first one was for 30 days and the second one was for 60 days. He also was listed in a Sports Illustrated report about using performance enhancing drugs although WWE claimed that he wouldn’t be suspended because it was before the time when they had the drug testing policy in place. He’s also been suspended for disciplinary reasons as well.
There are a lot of questions about the Wellness Policy like how WWE went a few years before suspending anybody. Then they had a number of people suspended when Linda McMahon ran for political office as if to say “yeah we’re really testing” and it’s that kind of behavior that made people suspicious.
In the case of Orton, a lot of people believe that even if he failed a Wellness test for the third time he wouldn’t lose his job as per the agreement, which states three failures means somebody gets fired. Since he’s a top guy and has been for a decade, many people believe that even if he failed again he is too important to WWE to ever lose his job.
The WWE Wellness Policy was changed in July 2013 to allow for “Therapeutic Use Exceptions” relating to the drug policy. That allowed talent with two violation strikes to get a strike removed. In other words, Orton only has one violation in the eyes of WWE’s policy.
Why People Believe It: While the drug policy WWE has in place might be working, we have no way of really knowing if people are tested, how often they are tested and if WWE would ever fire a top guy for failing multiple tests.
Should We Believe It: It seems like a stretch to think that Orton would ever get fired from WWE. He’s been there so long and pushed for so long that it’s hard to believe. We’ve seen people get fired before though, so of course it’s a possibility. It’s probably not going to happen although we know better than to say “never say never” in wrestling.
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