10 Most Notorious Randy Orton Urban Legends-10
10. He Got Permission To Use The RKO From Diamond Dallas Page
Story: Orton’s finishing move is the RKO, which is basically the same move that Diamond Dallas Page used when he was doing the Diamond Cutter. Orton has tweaked it a bit, but it’s essentially the same thing. Since Orton’s the bigger star, fans are going to associate the move with him.
A lot of times when somebody retires, people don’t use that person’s move as their finisher. You don’t see anybody doing the Stone Cold Stunner, the Pedigree will probably not be used by anybody other than Triple H (or his wife) and so on. However, with the Diamond Cutter it became an Orton move.
Why People Believe It: It’s one of those things where it makes sense that a guy would ask if he could use a move from a veteran wrestler. We don’t always know if it happens, but we assume it does.
Should We Believe It: Yes. Here’s a quote from DDP in a 2012 interview: “Love it. He doesn’t remember it, because he was having his shoulder worked on at the time. But as soon as I knew I was going to retire, I called him. I really wanted him to use it.”
As far as we know, it’s true that DDP suggested that he use it. No idea if Orton would have still done it anyway. He probably would have.
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