10 Most Notorious Randy Orton Urban Legends-9
9. He Only Received A Push Because Of His Last Name
Story: Any time somebody comes from a wrestling family, they have the advantage of WWE management knowing about what that person’s family is like and that could potentially help or hurt that performer going forward in their career. In Orton’s case, he was following in the footsteps of his father Bob Orton Jr. and grandfather Bob Orton Sr. His dad is much more famous than his grandfather was. Even his uncle Barry Orton was a jobber known as Barry O for many years.
Due to his family history, the perception is that Orton received a push faster than other simply due to his name. Considering Orton is the youngest World Champion in WWE history at the age of 24 (it was ten years ago), an argument could be made that it’s true. However, there’s really no way of proving it.
The line about Orton being handed everything in his career was also said by Chris Jericho in building up their match at Night of Champions too.
Why People Believe It: His detractors will point to the fact that he probably wasn’t ready to be a World Champion when he won it. He’s also a below average talker that doesn’t do a great job of playing off the crowd a lot of the time.
Should We Believe It: No because if you totally believe it then you are discrediting his work. Orton’s a good performer. Maybe he’s not at the level as the best all around talents ever, but he’s where he is because of his talent more than just because of his last name.
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